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Are you exhausted? I’m exhausted.

There’s a lot to say, there’s a lot to unpack, and I’ve thought all night about how I would write this article. I’ve written and re-written paragraphs, and I ultimately deleted my original article.

I don’t want to talk about what was said in the interview – at least not today while I digest it all.

Dear Sussex Squad; I want to  talk about us.

There will be a million thought pieces about what was said, months worth of guessing games and he said she said once The Palace responds, but really, it was us who stepped up to the plate first. It was us who created platforms, recorded podcasts, wrote articles, countered the negative online conversations, set-up fundraisers, kept receipts and showed up and showed out for Meghan and Harry for four years.

We called it all before anyone else did. WE KNEW and we never wavered. Even when we were gaslighted, even when there was infighting in our own ranks from the ‘neutrals’, we stuck to our guns.

One couldn’t help but wonder if Diana’s fate would have been different if she had had the same energy behind her all those years ago, because clearly, The Firm does not protect those it does not deem worthy of protecting.

The Sussex Squad community is world-wide and global, but it was women – more so black women – who were at the forefront. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Every black woman I know has on some level, faced what Meghan faced. In Meghan’s case, she faced it in one of the world’s most powerful institutions, with an entire nations seedy press and the trolls they emboldened pounding down on her.

We recognised the attacks the moment they started and it’s why we started the pushback. We a saw a sister being beaten and saw ourselves.

History may put The Sussex Squad in foot-notes, but we were first on the information front lines. Eventually, our presence could no longer be ignored and even the #CarnivalOfSoCalledExperts began to name check us, clear evidence that The Firm knew of our existence and increasing influence. They were not ready for us, because they’ve never had to deal with this level of pushback. We were even accused of being Russian bots, until more recently when our efforts were finally acknowledged by some news outlets in writing.

So what’s next for us Squaddies, where do we go from here?

This is my humble suggestion for us all…..

Squad, when the dust clears, I’m dead serious when I say we need to focus on building ourselves & our communities.

Success truly is the best revenge.

Meghan and Harry will move on and continue to live their best darn lives. Kisses from the Cali sun all day every day, and fresh eggs from Archies chicken coup.

The trolls on Beans On Toast Island will continue to b***h and complain until they’re in nursing homes. Guys and dolls – THEY WILL NEVER STOP. Believe me, I’m a Brit based Squaddie who is planning her own exit. Meghan and Harry left that island physically, it’s time for us to leave emotionally.

The good news is, no matter what they say, it won’t change that Meghan and Harry are now global superstars.

It won’t change that their star power and influence is unmatched.

It won’t change that The Firms worst nightmare came true: Meghan is going to be a bigger star than Diana and Harry is free from their clutches.

It won’t change that we have created the most incredible global community that activate at a moments notice.

I’ve said it before and I will keep reminding you in the months to come: MEGHAN IS THE BLUEPRINT.

Everything you want to know about winning the game of life can be studied by watching this woman. From girlhood to womanhood, every move she made was perfect.

I am sick to death of people spinning Meghan’s intelligence into something vindictive and seedy. The whole ‘what Meghan wants, Meghan gets’ narrative was created because as far as some people are concerned, black women should only ever be given meatless bones.

Forming strategic friendships with the right people, creating your own platform (i.e The Tig) , networking, philanthropy, travelling, getting involved with local communities and international organisations, choosing a high-quality partner, dropping toxic people (like her backstabbing ex-bestie) from your life, networking in the right circles ect ect ect

These are all things that you SHOULD BE DOING to win in life. But you see, no one expected this from the black-biracial girl did they? Melanated women are not meant to be this smart, this canny, and we definitely shouldn’t think we are worthy of the highest throne in societies upper echelons.

Not only did Meghan break the barriers, she outshone everyone in those upper circles and exposed them for do-nothing grifters they are, and as for the online trolls who find every reason to hate her: it’s time they just admitted she made them feel mediocre and move on. Instead of taking notes, they choose to be salty.

Meghan was playing grand-master chess with these fools and they were playing hop-scotch.

Starting from last month, Sussex Squad Podcast began a new side-series that focuses on career, lifestyle and business development.



The first video of this series has less than 3000 views, I find this highly problematic.

Are the majority of Squad members only here for the drama, or here to learn and grow as people too? Yes, we will continue to push back against the negative narrative, but after this, we will be more strategic about picking battles and focus first and foremost on levelling up.

I’m sure this is what Meghan herself would want.

Heck, don’t you want a Cali mansion with an organic chicken coup?

Maybe you’ll never obtain that level of wealth, but you can certainly aim high and create a better life for yourself and your family, and that’s where the focus should be going forward. The cry-babies on Beans On Toast Island will scream and yell themselves into oblivion. What choice do they have, Meghan feeds their children and pays their rent.

I will end by saying that (through no fault of her own) Meghan did make one very big mistake when she walked into The Firm and began engaging with the British public: she believed that a nation brainwashed into accepting mediocrity wanted substance, clearly they don’t.

They want professional ribbon cutters and world-class waving experts, they can have them – we have bigger fish to fry now.