Harry is writing a book. Diana’s son, in his own words. Not through the filter of an ancient Royal Reporter collecting dust on their tupe, but from Harry himself. Royal biographies are usually written by someone approved by The Firm. A royal watcher from the aristo circles who knows how to speak The Monarchy’s language. …
With the onslaught of PR coming out of Kensington Palace aka the Cambridge Camp, I started to wonder what they would possibly try to do next. I also think Prince William is a racist. I had a whole darn bingo card: Show up to a rap or reggae concert Be seen at a cook-out Hire…
Well OH MY GOD. Are you exhausted? I’m exhausted. There’s a lot to say, there’s a lot to unpack, and I’ve thought all night about how I would write this article. I’ve written and re-written paragraphs, and I ultimately deleted my original article. I don’t want to talk about what was said in the interview…
How The Firm Is Trying To Smear Prince Harry
We did wonder how long it would be before The Firm would finally start coming down on Harry. Up until recently, the narrative that has been built around Harry is that he is a hostage victim who has been put into a ‘trance’. That he is a man mad in love, helpless to the spell…