Are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex winning their battles with the tabloids and some broadsheet newspapers, whose conservative journalists have made it their ambition to criticise the Duchess for whatever she did and in the process drive her out of her marriage? They are in a way.
Since the Sussexes’ sued the three tabloids and the broadcasting of their documentary, there has been a sea change in certain parts of the news media. They have stayed their false and libelous stories for now. Meanwhile, there has been support for the Duchess from a number of areas, including 73 women Members of the outgoing Parliament. The Duchess’s journalist friend from the conservative Daily Telegraph last week followed the Duchess to a charity, which trains and supports women, who have been vulnerable and gone through terrible hardships to bake cakes and run their own small businesses. The Duchess is a strong supporter of this charity and featured them in her guest editorship of the September issue of the British Vogue.
The Duchess was invited to the opening of a new and bigger branch of the charity in another part of London following the strong support they have received from her. The charity is making great strides since the Duchess became an unofficial patron.
The Sussexes have gone about their duties unfazed by that documentary and reactions to it. The support garnered from that across the globe is tremendous and spirit enriching. Their engagements since then, have been hearty and encouraging. Of course, their enemies (reporters) have followed and reported on them, nonetheless. They are the box office, after all.
The most encouraging aspect of the last three weeks has been silencing the ‘dirty brigade’ (contaminated journalists). First, their sources of ‘Palace insiders and courtiers’ fake stories about the Duchess have dried up. When they separated from the Royal Foundation and moved homes, the scope for all those silly stories died out. No more planted fake stories. We all now know the stories emanated from the Cambridges household. Even after the documentary, they fed their ‘dirty tabloid brigade’ stories about the Sussexes being ‘frozen out’ by the rest of the Royal Family and the Duke of Sussex’s senior brother expressing his worry about the Sussexes’. These stories were made up and served on a royal plate to those goons.
Anyone who follows the Royal Family would know that it is nigh impossible for the Monarch and Prince Charles to ‘freeze out’ the only members of their family, who can reach parts of the society they reign over than any other royal. The Sussexes can waltz into any bit of society in any part of the world and engage at every level successfully. Their royal tours and local engagements have proven that.
It is a height of jealousy that the second in line to the throne feels the sixth heir and his wife have overshadowed them so much so, they have become a threat, and should be vilified silly to take the shine off their star billing. In a roundabout sort of way, it is the second heir, the Duke of Sussex should be concerned about. The Duke of Cambridge and his wife exhibit a high degree of insecurity, which the Sussexes, despite newspaper abuse, have not displayed.
The Sussexes have gone about their duties with determination and purpose. They have not engaged in any retaliation, that would surely have been my preference and most of the Sussex Squaddies’. They have inadvertently left the Squaddies all over the world, to take the battles to the Cambridges and their enemies in the news media. At the moment the battles are on pause, but we have to be vigilant and pounce once they start again.
I’m still not sure why the foundation couldn’t be launched this year. I’m suspicious that some people might have demanded they move it to next year in the hope that by then their evil campaign to break down the Sussexes would have worked.
Hopefully when they launch their foundation it would help enable them expand charitable reach and that it would have a better image than the disappointment the RF foundation has become in the face of the world. I really question the RF claim to be a belief in the Commonwealth and their contribution to the untrustworthy status of their media.
In case copy and paste are looking to do their own African visit, please they should abstain. We all know dainty Kate is no fan of Africa. She dated (waited on) Will for 10 years and didn’t accompany him in any of his African visits. She went to Kenya when Will chose it as the place he wished to propose to her and has dusted off her feet since then. Now The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have received warmth from their African visit their stupid PR is obviously planning a visit to Africa by planting a story of the EXCLUSIVE segregated cabin where Will proposed to Kate.
I’ll say it again, both of you keep your snooty nose hypocritical behind from Africa. Africans are tired of the exploitive influence of the Europe and the average educated African of any of the countries is sceptical about your visit. It was Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s accolades that won them the warmth the received and not just the royal titles. With headlines such as “DDoS to be banished to Africa” it tells how ignorant Dumb and Dumber are of the awareness of African countries to international news and that the average educated is smarter than them.
Do continue to stay away Will and Kate and nix your campaign to visit any Africa country. You will embarrass yourselves.
The Sussexes will win because they are a focused purpose driven couple. They want to help as many people as they can, and to inspire others to do the same. They are both humble people who realize the privilege they have should not be taken for granted or wasted. It’s sad that the family doesn’t support them, because they need Harry and Meghan far more than Harry and Meghan need them. The monarchy’s royal brand is being damaged by all the petty shenanigans. This may be signaling the beginning of the fall of the House of Windsor. The Queen is the face of the monarchy. When she passes a lot of the support for the monarchy will go with her.
Harry has to much support world wide for the haters to win.
Hurray! The Sussexes are winning.
Happy to note the Sussexes are winning.
Ofcourse they’re winning, what better way to do so with your authenticity & duty orienteted.
Thank you, Mr. Gilbert. It’s always a pleasure to read your perspective and good to know the Sussexes are winning.
Excellent article! Everything that’s said was on point! The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are always going to win, and yes, while the dirty Brigade is silent for now we still have to be vigilant.
So much is becoming so apparent at this point in time and what goes on in the dark always comes to light. It is very clear that Prince Harry was the driving force behind the “trio” before Meghan came along and the other couple were happy to continue that. Now they no longer have it and it’s a problem. That family slept on Harry. They didn’t listen to him, they didn’t pay attention to him. Even after everything he’s been through, he knew what he wanted out of life and out of a partner. Now that he has found that he and Meghan have Become a force to be reckoned with and it scares them silly! I agree with all the comments here, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had eight years to make their mark and they let it pass them by.
Yes, let’s continue to be diligent, let’s continue to fight for our amazing couple, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. With their hard work, intelligence and empathy for everyone around the world as well as having the Sussex squad on their side they’ll never lose!
Thank you Mr. Mr. Gilbert.
I cannot imagine the Royals with out the Sussexes, they are true force for change and committed to their causes.
I just can’t believed how pathetic William is,, but the again envy and jealousy are roots of all evils.
Its a great article which verify all my intuitions and concerns. Although it’s so absurd seeing the Cambridge’s stoop so low. They had eight years to brand themselves and they didn’t do anything. Why know, I see Kate rushing for surprise visits. And she looks stupid doing that.
They are playing the “big up “ the Cambridge’s angle. I’m ok with that even though it’s passive aggressive.
Once again good article yes they are winning but we still have to be vigilant
I see the good sir has a petty streak like me. It is still a long road ahead to get through the legal cases.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts around this talk of “banishing them”. The media seemed to be pushing for it saying they should ” give up their titles” then when news came they would take an early break leading into the holidays it appeared to die down with comments like “it would break the Queen’s heart”, ” Will would be devastated” and the latest “The Queen won’t allow it”.
The House of Sussex will always win because they get it. The Cambridges think they deserve the privilege whilst the Sussexes work to earn their privileged position. The Sussexes are all rounders, intelligent, empathetic, interesting, emotionally present and they listen. The Royal Family is tone deaf and time is running out for them. If the Sussexes leave, reporting will be focused on them leaving. The Queen and her courtiers are out of touch.
I pray that things will continue looking up. It is ridiculous for William to be jealous of Harry and Meghan because at the end of the day, he is still destined to be King. Harry is not campaigning for the position. He doesn’t want it. He just wants to be with Meghan and Archie and for the two of them to be able do the work they love to do.
Ce sont des personnes intelligentes et qui ont tenu bon malgré les difficultés. Ils ont dit ce qu’ils avaient à dire de façon très subtile et ont poussé certains à se découvrir. Il y a toujours une justice . Cela a été mené avec maestria mais restons vigilants
I agree House Sussex is winning because they have not diverted their purpose to serve the people. How does one fight back against jealousy? Remove yourself from the situation, which they have. Once the new Foundation is up and running perhaps the efforts to spoil can be released. The Sussex reputation is intact in spite of character asassination efforts by rotten relatives, courtiers, and media.
They were always winning, now the Dirty Brigade is just further back in the race. Their timelines don’t get clicks, their stories don’t trend and most importantly more people are side eyeing their report and calling them out. Things are looking up for now.