Just after Prince Andrew’s infamous BBC 2 Newsnight interview, a few people, including a former old Press Secretary to the Monarch, were quick off the mark to suggest with calls for the Prince to relinquish his charities and out of the blue, he added the Sussexes. In his old eyes and diminishing capacity to think…
Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend Well Child Awards
From sussexroyal ・・・ This evening, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the annual #WellChildAwards in London. WellChild aims to ensure every child and young person living with serious health needs has the best chance to thrive with the support and medical care needed in the comfort of their own home. The Duke of Sussex became…
Duke and Duchess of Sussex highlights Rafiki Mwema: Forces For Change 1
Hello #SussexSquad as you all know #DukeandDuchessofSussex highlighted 15 organizations as #ForcesForChange. Throughout August, we will share more information about each charity and provide links in hopes that you all will check them out and hopefully donate/support these incredible causes. Thanks- T&M💕 The first organization we are highlighting is Rafiki Mwema! Rafiki Mwema provide homes…
15 Grassroots Forces For Change
Today, the Duke and Duchess highlighted 15 grassroots organizations that are #ForcesForChange. We have included links to all of the orgs below! #SussexSquad Please take the time to research and support if you can. Here is what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said: This month we turned to you for ideas of accounts to…