Hello everyone! Michelle and Tina here! We were joined by Jaj! We had an amazing conversation! Hope you all enjoy it! Website: sussexsquad.com/ Patreon: bit.ly/ssppatreon PayPal Me (for one-time support): bit.ly/SSPPayPal Cash App: cash.app/$sussexsquad Instagram: www.instagram.com/hmlisten Facebook: www.facebook.com/SussexPodcast Twitter: twitter.com/sussexsquadpod Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/tinam1735/ Love T&M Topics for 6 September podcast : 1. Information if ppl support…
Why Meghan Markle will vote in 2020
“I know what it’s like to have a voice, and also what it’s like to feel voiceless.”
The Queen of England is a full blown racist
According to Victoria Arbiter the reason the courtiers and press were relentlessly racist towards #meghanmarkle and the Queen being useless in ever speaking up is because Harry and Meghan didn’t want to come down to balmoral for a photo op. Mind you the queen said jack shit when her great grandson was likened to a…
Racist British Royals & Press are scared of Finding Freedom 079
This is a quick podcast with Prof Maynard talking about how scared the Racist British Royal and Press are of the book Finding Freedom! Camilla Tominey is trying to defend William and Kate from the indefensible! Listen and let us know what you think below! We hope you enjoy it! – T & M Meghan’s…