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What If The Sussexes Leaked Stories?

British news media misinformation

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Shutterstock

British news media misinformation has come from the Royal family….

So what if the Sussexes in frustration and hurt at their treatment by the Royal family (their own supposedly family) leaked stories about the family, whether true or mostly malicious lies, to friendly liberal or left leaning newspapers in the United Kingdom.  What would have been the reaction and outcome?  That is the what-if question that keeps bothering my mind.


The Royal family, would, of course, have been irreparably destabilised and damaged in every sense the leaks were meant to convey.  For the Duke of Sussex that thought would never be entertained, as he respects (that is not reciprocal) his family and tries to keep his own family and the Royal family in different spheres.  He knows some of the family’s dirty and dark secrets and where the modern terrible skeletons are buried.  However, after holding his peace and silence these past five years this year, he has been with Meghan Duchess of Sussex, what the family is doing might force his hand one of these days that will abandon the self-imposed restraint and press the nuclear destruction button that might blow the Monarchy to smithereens.


Most of the British news media misinformation has come from the Royal family with the crude sole intention of hurting the Duchess and forcing a reaction from the Duke.  Fortunately for the Royal family, the time the Duke spent in the Army and meeting the Duchess have brought out discipline and a determination to be a better family man.  Has the family realised or noticed that?  Hell no.  They continue with the same old media tactics to unsettle him and thereby his family.  The tactics are so crude and pathetic they are not working at all, especially as they rely on discredited newspapers and junk journalists.


How else, would the Monarchy agree to a leak to the newspapers today that, it was, after all, her decision to refuse the Duke laying a wreath at the Cenotaph back in November and she took a nanosecond to say no.  What was she trying to tell her subjects, that she is still in the monarchy business or trying to curb the wings of the Sussexes?  After all the Sussexes have just launched their 21St century-plus mother of all website after the Spotify Christmas opener and Master Archie’s surprise debut.  


The old starchy courtiers felt they had to counter what has clearly gotten out of hand (the Sussexes’ rise and rise) and what they mistakingly perceive as a rival House in California, so decided to leak to the news media what they had denied in November 2020 that the Queen knew nothing about rejecting the Duke’s request to lay a wreath on behalf of the men he served with in Afghanistan and continue to interact with, even after transitioning from the front line of Senior Working Royal role.


There is amateurish warfare being conducted by the Royal family, which they think is against the Sussexes.  However, they have not declared that to the Sussexes for them to engage with the fight.  It is one-sided warfare.  The Sussexes have steadfastly and cleverly refused to engage with any media onslaught from the United Kingdom thereby rendering any misinformation and its intended effect useless.  But just in case out of frustration, the Duke decided he is fed up and wants to retaliate.  He would not contemplate such a serious and earth-shattering decision, I am sure.  But just as a fantasy wish, he decides enough is enough and decides to retaliate.  Would that be the end of the Windsor easy street charade?  That would take it to the realm of the ‘War of the Windsors’.  Of course, that would not happen, because the Duke is not like his slimy Greek looking thug of a brother.


He is decent and wants to achieve success without undermining anyone, even though he can inflict the severest damage to the people, who have determinedly made it their obsession to destroy his family life and marriage.  That says much about the life and determination of the Sussexes to succeed with passion, sympatico, without rancour and ignore the twisted poisonous atmosphere they left behind in the United Kingdom.


Harry never wanted a review because he was not going to change his mind. He was done with his family being abused.

If anyone in the news media thinks the Sussexes ever sought to extend a review that no one knows what it would be like or would ever happen, then they would believe the Queen dances to rap music.  That was another lie meant to counter or overshadow the Sussexes’ Christmas Spotify Podcast.  Did that really work, though?  I think not.

It must surely irk the Royal family that the Sussexes have succeeded without any help from the United Kingdom, which is even questionable whether they could have helped.  As I have said before they did not reckon the strength and reach of the Duchess.  I am sure they did not know she is the only outsider who went into the Royal family with her own lawyer, business manager, agent, Public Relations Consultancy support, money, the savvy of her surroundings, worldwide unflinching supporters, and a large powerful country ready always to come to her aid.  They have not seen anything yet.